Toddler Tantrums…inevitable, but not impossible!

Toddler tantrums…something we can’t avoid because it’s an inevitable way for our little ones to express their emotions while they’re learning how to feel. While they are inevitable, they don’t have to be impossible to handle.

Why do they happen? Many times it’s because our children do not have the language to express to us what they need/want in the moment. Without the words (spoken or gestures) to express ourselves, it can be very frustrating. They may also be seeking some connection with us OR some control because after all…our kids don’t get to control much of what goes on in their lives. We tell them when to eat, when to sleep, what to wear, etc.

So what can we do to guide them through these tantrums in a healthy way? 

✨To give them some control: provide options within your boundaries. For example, they don’t want to get dressed? Ah unfortunately we still need to get dressed, but “would you like to pick this red shirt or this blue shirt?”

✨To connect: “I see you’re feeling sad right now and that’s okay. Would it make you feel better if we went on a walk together or if you held my hand?”. 

⚡️Try not to negotiate/bribe. Wait until they’ve calmed down and then you can speak realistically and honestly with them. 

💕Stay consistent with what you say. “We are leaving the park and going to the car now.”

It’s important that we stay calm – the more we participate in the chaotic energy, the more our toddlers will feel it and possibly escalate the situation.

I talk about this topic in detail on my podcast, Talk Tea Podcast in episodes #20, 32, & 36! You can listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, & more.

Stay consistent, calm, & trust in the process. Hope this helps!

With love & joy,

Tiffany @TalkTeaSpeech