The Common 5 Challenges of Early Intervention

To my fellow Speech Therapists:

Whether you’ve been in Early Intervention for one day or 10 years, there are challenges that inevitably come up. From my experience, these are the top 5 that come back time after time:

⚡️Lack of parental involvement
💥Toddler Tantrums
🌈Difficulty making referrals
💫No support system/team
🌙Keeping our toddlers motivated over time 

It can be so discouraging when these challenges come up. You might feel like you’re not doing enough or that the parents are questioning your professional knowledge. It can be very isolating if you’re unsure of how to navigate through them.

I’ve been through it many times in the last 6 years. No matter how seasoned you are, challenges are unavoidable. But it doesn’t have to be unmanageable. We can get through it! The more I can try to make an impact on you [the SLP], the more families we can serve together & that is my why. Let’s go! 🤗

I’ve combed through all of my EI experiences and detailed HOW to handle each of these difficult situations in my course “The Essentials Course“. I wish I had this insight when I first started, but these situations taught me so much and I’m glad I can pass some of the lessons along to you (& hopefully save you from some awkward moments 😅).

Let me know how it goes!

With love & joy,

Tiffany @TalkTeaSpeech