Thanksgiving: turkey, mashed potatoes, & unsolicited advice!

Thanksgiving – such a warm and inviting holiday! I’m excited to EAT and be around family. Speaking of family though…

Being around so many distant relatives, family friends, etc. during the holiday season can also call for some advice and comments that you didn’t ask for. You know the ones: “Aren’t you going to put her down so you can eat?”, “He’s getting speech? But he seems totally fine to me..”, “What are you so worried about?”.

As you go into this holiday season, remember that you as a parent know your child best. Their story isn’t your story and what they researched on Google may not apply to you. If you get hit with these unsolicited comments, a simple “thank you, we are going to do what works for us” should work and then move on to getting the gravy for your mashed potatoes!

Try not to let the judgments of others (even if they’re well intentioned) get to you. You got this and you know your child best!

Happy Thanksgiving!! Grateful this year for my family, health, and an exciting future ahead!

What are you grateful for? 🙂