New Year, Same Important Mindsets!

Happy 2023!!

I hope you all had a refreshing and relaxing winter break! Over here, we are nesting and prepping for our baby girl arriving in June 🙂 it’s a very exciting time!

Anyway, as we get into 2023, I wanted to share 3 important reminders/mindsets
whether you’re conveying this to families as an SLP or are a parent yourself:

  1. Your child’s diagnosis does not define them.
    Every child moves at their own pace and they are exactly where they are meant to be. Just because a diagnosis is given does not mean that child will walk a specific path in life. A diagnosis just gives professionals a little more information, but does NOT define who a child is.

  2. Verbal communication (spoken words) are not the only marker of success in speech therapy.
    There is so much more to life & speech therapy than speech! It’s all about finding ways to connect and that can happen in many different ways. For example, if I have a session with a toddler where we just silently play & that brings joy to the toddler, that’s a success in my book. It’s up to us to give them building blocks to communicate and all of that takes time.

  3. Celebrate the tiny wins and steps of progress.
    It’s so beneficial to celebrate even the ‘smallest’ steps! What may seem small to you may actually be huge AND over time, those tiny wins will compound. Take the time to acknowledge & document that progress and you will really see how far your child has come.


That’s all for now! I wish you all good health, happiness, & success in the new year with your loved ones!
As always, you can find me @talkteaspeech on all social media platforms.

For more tangible tips/strategies, you can find my courses under the “COURSES” link or click here 🙂 .

With love & joy,