HOW TO: Keep moving forward even when some do not agree with you!

PSA: People will not always agree with everything you think & say…and that’s okay!

No matter who you are or what level of success you have achieved, there will always be someone who does not have the same mindset as you. As a speech therapist, I’ve met so many different people and worked with many families. There are some clients who take my professional opinion to heart and some who hear my advice but don’t put it into practice. When I first started my career, it was really frustrating because I felt like I was putting in all the time and work only to be met with certain families who did not see the importance of speech therapy or understand the research behind the methods.

Even now on my Instagram (@talkteaspeech), there are times where a funny video or post has had the “I disagree!” comment. I’ve come to the realization that as long as I am putting in the time & effort to back up my therapy methods with research, continuing to advocate for my clients, and self reflecting along the way, other people’s opinions are not my responsibility. I say ‘self reflecting’ because it is important to be reflect on WHY someone may not agree – is it because there is more to learn on my end or is it just someone being an internet troll (lol).

It’s important to not let others get you down when they do not agree with you. It’s okay to agree to disagree! You can only do your part in advocating and trying to educate others, but at the end of the day, it is what it is. Keep an open mind and try to see others’ points of views while also staying strong in your conviction.

Thanks for reading! As always, you can find me at @TalkTeaSpeech on all social media platforms 🙂 Have a great day!

…PS. It also helps to focus on something that sparks joy for you. For me, it’s this Pink Drink from Starbucks (haha!). *Tip: get it with almond milk instead of coconut milk. #healthy loll.

What sparks joy for you? Let me know in the comments! Look forward to hearing from you 🙂 .