Be in the moment with your little ones during this holiday season!

This one is for the hardworking parents out there! I see so many families who put in so much effort to carry over strategies that we (speech therapists) provide. It is always evident in the progress that your little ones make! During this holiday season, I just want to remind parents that it is okay to take some of that pressure off of yourselves. It is okay to not be constantly thinking about:

  • Providing verbal models during daily routines and play;
  • Providing wait time when giving directions or asking questions;
  • Targeting yes/no questions, wh-questions while also limiting the amount of questions you ask…😅;
  • Being specific with positive reinforcement;
  • Narrating yours and your child’s actions;

&& the list goes on and on and on…

Sometimes the best thing to do is just be in the moment with your little ones. They will be able to feel that energy of you enjoying yourself with them! Whether you’re thinking about these strategies or not, I bet you are using them subconsciously anyway 🙂 . Enjoy this holiday season and remember that you are doing a GREAT job and we appreciate all of your efforts to make our jobs as speech-language pathologists (SLPs) easier!

